Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Case for Socialism

deZengotita says that kids today aren't apathetic, they're just "ironically distanced." Hence we do nothing because we know we can't change anything and so why exert the energy? But Is there something else?

Take for instance how is it so easy for most people to imagine the end of the world. This may be in the form of global warming, catastrophic natural disasters, deadly diseases— so why is it so difficult for them to imagine a much less radical change in the way our world currently works? A shift in the economic world relations of today- a shift from global capitalism?

Slavoj Zizek summed it up by saying:
"A couple of decades ago, people were still discussing the political future of humanity - will capitalism prevail or will it be supplanted by Communism or another form of 'totalitarianism'? — while silently accepting that, somehow, social life would continue. Today, we can easily imagine the extinction of the human race, but it is impossible to imagine a radical change of the social system — even if life on earth disappears, capitalism will somehow remain intact. In this situation, disappointed Leftists, who are convinced that radical change of the existing liberal-democratic capitalist system is no longer possible, but who are unable to renounce their passionate attachment to global change, invest their excess of political energy in an abstract and excessively rigid moralising stance."

Mainstream media/politics/A-MUUR-ica wants us to think we have no power against it. We can't just go along being its bitch. We gotsta do something.


OreoGolem said...

Reaaaallly can't help but try and stick in all your Red propaganda. (i joke I joke).

It is actually remarkable how we just cut ourselves off in thinking where the world can lead. It is remarkable and frightening. Usually I feel this whenever I observe any sort of science fiction story. I realize I have no imagination of what in the Inferno the world would look like if we had a one world government, if we had colonies on planets, if it was proven life not on the planet. Or looking at advances in information technology I just somehow feel that some of the really far out (but reachable) goals of the technology trail blazing are impossible because culture/society can't support it. This is foolish, I have looked at history people/culture/societies/countries/peoples they are dynamic they can do these things, its just hard to put in mind.

More on the note of bringing down capitalism. Its hard. See the problem with trying to really improve things is in the journey you are going to step on someones foot. See the problem with totalitarian regimes and dystopias is they are standing on someones toes on the way to achieve a better higher goal.

slevy said...

I don't see whose toes I am theoretically stepping on. It's just getting to get people to realize they can and must step up to what is holding them down.
And then of course shoving away those at the top, who deserve it, and then can come down and be with the rest of us, but no toes will be stepped on.
This is silly...